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Whether you're looking for a finished tiny home, container home, converted van, customizable model, tiny house shell, or building kit/blueprints we've got you covered.

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Featured tiny homes for sale

San Diego, California


Tiny House

2 Bds

1 Ba

288 sqft

Guntersville, Alabama


Tiny House

2 Bds

1 Ba

280 sqft

Granite Falls, Washington


Tiny House

2 Bds

1 Ba

272 sqft

Austin, Texas


Tiny House

2 Bds

1 Ba

289 sqft

Portland, Oregon


Tiny House

1 Bd

1 Ba

255 sqft

Columbia, Tennessee


Tiny House


1 Ba

360 sqft

Finding an alternative place to call home

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Frequently asked questions

What does it mean to be "nomad adjacent"?

A person who seeks a lifestyle guided by freedom, where they have flexibility to explore while still having a humble abode to call home at the end of each day.

What can I list here?

We specialize in non-traditional living solutions. Such as, tiny homes, RVs, campers, container homes converted vans, movable cabins, and more.

What happens when a potential buyer inquires about my listing?

We contact you via email immediately to notify you of an inquiry and include all of the potential buyers supplied information. It's 100% free to create a new listing.

Can I share my non-traditional living experiences & ideas?

Absolutely! Feel free to DM us your ideas and we will share them with our community. Also, feel free to checkout our blog for the latest information